
The Preserve Journal #9

23.00 EUR

The Preserve Journal vous présente un large éventail de perspectives d'un groupe toujours croissant d'auteurs et de contributeurs mondiaux, chacun d'eux doté d'une vaste connaissance, de riches expériences et d'aperçus à partager.

Description produit

The Preserve Journal vous présente un large éventail de perspectives d'un groupe toujours croissant d'auteurs et de contributeurs mondiaux, chacun d'eux doté d'une vaste connaissance, de riches expériences et d'aperçus à partager.


Contents — Issue no 9
• Reflections from a Cherished Guest: Storytelling as soft activism Words by Mathilde Morin
• Fieldnotes from The Preserve Journal office: On How to Relate to Landscapes Words by Michelle S. Sørensen
• Pastry (and so much more) in San Cristobal, Galapagos Words and illustrations by Marie Kerkeling ⁠ • The Gift: Collaboration, reciprocity and seed activism Words by Rachel Maria Taylor, photography by Jody Daunton
⁠ • Choices, Compromises, and Counter-culturalists: Ideals and Practice in the Back-to-the-land Movement in the US, 1965-1975 Words by Ailish Lalor, illustrations by Anna Lorenz
⁠ • Return to Ritual: A call for a radical shift in the way we perceive time Words by Will Dorman, illustration by Regina Idiartegaray
⁠ • A Bite Sized Guide to Queering Consumption Words and photography by Barney Pau
⁠ • Seaweed from Brittany, France: an interview with Tiphaine Perron Words and photography by Elodie Villalon
⁠ • Looking back, looking forward: Chef Nak’s quest to save and share Cambodia’s cooking Words by Kristofer Phan Coffman, artwork by Marta Claret
⁠ • Fermented foods: A (still) invisible microbial revolution Words by José Guilherme Prado Martin, illustrations by Anna Lorenz
⁠ • In conversation with Merlin Labron-Johnson from Osip Restaurant, Somerset UK Interview by The Preserve Journal team, photography by Maureen Evans
• The Missing Link: Can Animal husbandry and meat consumption contribute to climate mitigation and land regeneration? Words by Jesse Buratti-Donham, illustrations by Nanni Gabrielle
⁠ • A Plate of One's Own Words and photography by April Rose Jackson
• Is this burek? Words by Marianne Camille Srebrenka Cvitković, illustrations by Tessa Curran



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