We make every effort to ensure our bags last a lifetime. Part of that journey is helping you look after the product and keep it in tip top shape. We've teamed up with Swedish biotechnological cleaning experts Pure Effect, to offer a new solution to stains and odours that build up over time. Their innovative textile spray contains active bacterial culture that offers a much deeper cleaning solution than traditional cleaning products.

So, what’s worth knowing about microorganisms—or microbes, as they're also called?

Microorganisms were the first life on Earth after it formed 4-5 billion years ago. They are the core of nature's own cleaning system. Each of us carries around 10,000 species of microbes and bacteria. They are an important part of the body's immune system, and we would not survive without them.

What is biotechnology? Biotechnology is the use of microorganisms to create something beneficial for humans. Biotechnological processes have been used for thousands of years, for example, to bake bread and produce beer or wine. Nowadays, it is also used to produce medicines, biogas, etc. Pure Effect uses biotechnology for cleaning and odor removal in clothing care and for the home.